Accessing the income tax statement

Ultrapar’s income tax statements issued by Bradesco are available in digital format.

Bradesco account holders

To access and/or obtain a copy of the income tax statement, please go to Internet Banking at https://bradesco.com.br/ in the “Investmentos” section through “Consultas” → “Posição de Ativos Escriturais” → “Consulta de Informe de Rendimentos” → “2ª via”.

Non-account holders of Bradesco

To obtain a copy of the income tax statement, please go to Portal de Documentos Digitais and follow the steps below:

  1. Click in “Primeiro acesso”;
  2. Enter your individual taxpayer registration number (CPF) and date of birth. In the case of a legal entity, enter the taxpayer registration number (CNPJ) and the date of establishment;
  3. To verify your identity, choose from one option: phone number or email;
  4. Enter the received code and create your password;
  5. Enter the CPF or CNPJ and the registered password.

Shareholders may attend a branch of Bradesco and request a copy of the income tax statement by presenting their identity card, taxpayer registration number (CPF), and proof of residence (which must have been issued no more than two months prior).

If you have any questions, please contact Bradesco Custody by calling +55 (11) 4020-5347.

Verification of shareholding position

Shareholders can check their shareholding position through Portal de Documentos Digitais or request, at any time, a statement of their shareholding position in Ultrapar’s securities at any Bradesco branch. This can be done by presenting their identity card, taxpayer registration number (CPF) and proof of residence (which must have been issued no more than two months prior).

Further information can be obtained by calling Banco Bradesco’s call center at +55 0800 701-1616.

The shareholders that purchase shares through a stockbroker should check their shareholding position with the stockbroker through which the investment was made.

Custodian agent and Depositary bank

The custodian agent is the institution in Brazil that registers the shares in the name of the holders of the shares and guarantees their ownership. The custodian agent of Ultrapar is Banco Bradesco.

The depositary bank is the institution that issues ADRs (American Depositary Receipts), maintains a record of their holders, registers executed trades and distributes the dividends and/or interest on shareholders’ equity (in US Dollars) to the holders of the ADRs. The depositary agent for the Company’s ADRs is the Bank of New York Mellon.


Updating of registration information

Shareholders who have their shares under the custody of Bradesco may update their registration information through any branch of Banco Bradesco. To do so, the shareholder must provide the investor’s registration form (Portuguese only) updated and the originals of the identity card, taxpayer registration number (CPF), proof of residence (which must have been issued no more than two months prior) and a copy of banking domicile (copy of a magnetic card or a checkbook page of a banking account of the financial institution of which the shareholder is an account holder) at the branch.

The shareholder whose custody services are delivered through CBLC (stockbroker) should contact the stockbroker through which the investments were made.

More information can be obtained from the call center of Banco Bradesco at +55 0800 701-1616.

Ticker symbols of Ultrapar’s shares

Stock exchange Currency Ticker symbol
B3 Real UGPA3

Procedures for share certificates of Ipiranga

Currently, one share of Ipiranga represents a fraction of a share of Ultrapar, due to a series of corporate events which impacted the total number of shares.

Bearer share certificates

Bearer share certificates should be delivered at any branch of Banco Bradesco with a copy of an identity card, taxpayer registration number (CPF), proof of residence (which must have been issued no more than two months prior) and a copy of banking domicile (copy of a magnetic card or a checkbook page of a banking account of the financial institution of which the shareholder is an account holder). Process of updating and conversion of the share certificates for nominative and book entry shares of Ultrapar takes three to six months.

If the Bradesco manager is not familiar with this process, please instruct them to contact the call center on +55 0800 701-1616 or the Stocks and Custody Department.

Nominative share certificates

Ipiranga’s nominative share certificates (which show the name of the shareholder) were automatically converted into shares of Ultrapar in 2007. Thus, shareholders who wish to verify their current number of shares held at Ultrapar may do so at any Bradesco branch (please refer to the Verification of shareholding position section).

Ultrapar dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity

How is the distribution of dividends/interest on shareholders' equity defined?

Ultrapar declares and pays dividends and/or interest on shareholders’ equity pursuant to the Brazilian Corporate Law and, according to its Bylaws, the mandatory minimum payout is 25% of the annual adjusted net income.

The Board of Directors may approve the distribution of dividends and/or interest on shareholders’ equity, calculated based on annual, semi-annual our shorter periods of the financial statements. The amount of any payouts will depend on a series of factors such as Company’s operating result, financial situation, need for resources, macroeconomic outlook, regulatory changes and other factors which the Board of Directors and the shareholders deem relevant.

How are dividends/interest on shareholders' equity paid to shareholders?

Payment is made through Banco Bradesco. The shareholders whose custody are delivered through Banco Bradesco with updated registration information, will have their rights automatically credited to their bank accounts on the date of payment. More information can be obtained from the call center of Banco Bradesco at +55 0800 701-1616.

For shareholders with shares held in custody at B3, payment is made through their respective stockbroker.

For holders of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) traded on NYSE, payment is made through the Bank of New York Mellon.

How should the shareholders proceed if they do not receive their dividends/interest on shareholders' equit payment?

Shareholders should contact a branch of Banco Bradesco or check if their registration information is up to date (personal data, address and banking details for receiving dividends/interest on shareholders’ equity) and proceed with the updating procedures if necessary (see Updating of registration information). We highlight that keeping their registration information updated is a duty of the shareholders themselves, in accordance with CVM Resolution No. 50/2021.

Shareholders whose custody services are provided by the CBLC (stockbroker) should contact the stockbroker through which the investments were made.

We highlight that dividends not claimed within three years from the date they were made available to the shareholders shall be forfeited to the Company, according to Article 287, paragraph II of the Brazilian Corporate Law.

How can Ultrapar’s dividend/interest on shareholders' equity record be verified?

A record of dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity payments can be verified through the Company’s website in the Stock Information section, Dividend History.

Contact with the Investor Relations Department

The Investor Relations Department can be contacted by:

E-mail invest@ultra.com.br
Telephone +55 (11) 3177-7014
Web page Contact IR